Dear Friend

Dear friend
You were there for me
You faithfully stood by me
You held me up
And smiled at me kindly
You gave me hope when I was down
You kept me modest
You were honest
A lie never did you say
You didn’t spare
Nothing too harsh
Or too cruel
Even your smack
When I got too big
And surely for my shoes
While remaining natural
Being yourself and never changing
The only difference
Between now and then
Others came and went
But you stayed
And for that, my dear friend
I love you
Thank you for being with me
Thank you for being my friend
Thank you for everything you did
Everything you did for me
I’ll never forget
And I could never repay the debt
It’s too great
But I will pay it back
Some how, some way
My dear friend
My soul sister
I love you
Like the sister I never had
But I wished I had
It had been fate
Working on that date
That we met
Eight years ago
I was lost, but you found me
And took me as a friend
Unconditionally and faithfully
For the past years
And the ones to come
For all eternity
Thank you
A faithful friend