
Why do I let history repeat itself?
Why do I keep doing this?
Why do I keep letting this happen?
Why don’t I stop it?
Why can’t I stop it?
I can only ask why
I can’t know why
Sacred knowledge
None I’m worthy of
That which is before me
Enticing me…
Taunting me…
Because I’m a fool
I deserve it
If I didn’t
Then why?
Why does this happen?
I’m cursed.
Nothing good comes to me
Nothing is sacred
I’m not deserving of it
But why?
I’m a sin against nature
I’m feelingless…
But…why do I feel pain?
Why do I feel other’s pain?
Why can’t I stop it?
Or…stop the tears…
Stop the pain…
End everything…
Why do I feel helpless?
I hate it!
I hate all of this
I hate it…
I hate it…
Why must I be tormented?
Why does this happen?
Why do I make others hurt?
Why can’t I stop it?
I’m cursed…
I’m the curse…
I must be stopped…
Why isn’t anyone stopping me?
Why won’t the madness end?
Why aren’t there any answers?
Why must this repeat itself?
Why must we endure this…?
…for al eternity…